Reagent 0.6.0-SNAPSHOT
A simple ClojureScript interface to React
Public variables and functions:
- adapt-react-class
- after-render
- argv
- as-component
- as-element
- atom
- children
- component-path
- create-class
- create-element
- current-component
- cursor
- dispose!
- dom-node
- flush
- force-update
- force-update-all
- is-client
- merge-props
- next-tick
- partial
- props
- react
- reactify-component
- render
- render-component
- render-component-to-string
- render-to-static-markup
- render-to-string
- replace-state
- rswap!
- set-state
- state
- state-atom
- track
- track!
- unmount-component-at-node
- with-let
- with-let
- wrap
Public variables and functions:
- *current-component*
- add-obligatory
- as-class
- as-element
- cache-react-class
- cached-react-class
- camelify-map-keys
- cljsify
- comp-name
- component-path
- create-class
- custom-wrapper
- dash-to-camel
- do-render
- extract-children
- extract-props
- fn-to-class
- get-argv
- get-children
- get-props
- get-wrapper
- map-to-js
- obligatory
- props-argv
- rat-opts
- react-class?
- reactify-component
- reagent-class?
- reagent-component?
- shallow-obj-to-map
- state-atom
- static-fns
- wrap-funs
- wrap-render
Public variables and functions:
- ->NativeWrapper
- adapt-react-class
- as-element
- cache-get
- cached-parse
- cached-prop-name
- convert-prop-value
- convert-props
- expand-seq
- expand-seq-check
- expand-seq-dev
- find-dom-node
- get-key
- has-selection-api?
- hiccup-err
- hiccup-tag?
- input-component?
- input-handle-change
- input-render-setup
- input-set-value
- input-spec
- input-unmount
- js-val?
- key-from-vec
- kv-conv
- make-element
- named?
- native-element
- NativeWrapper
- oget
- oset
- parse-tag
- prop-name-cache
- re-tag
- reag-element
- reagent-input
- reagent-input-class
- set-id-class
- str-coll
- tag-name-cache
- these-inputs-have-selection-api
- try-get-key
- valid-tag?
- vec-to-elem
Public variables and functions:
- *ratom-context*
- ->RAtom
- ->RCursor
- ->Reaction
- ->Track
- ->Wrapper
- atom
- check-derefs
- cursor
- debug
- flush!
- IDisposable
- IReactiveAtom
- IRunnable
- make-reaction
- make-track
- make-track!
- make-wrapper
- RAtom
- RCursor
- reaction
- Reaction
- reaction
- reactive?
- run!
- run!
- run-in-reaction
- running
- track
- Track
- track!
- with-let
- with-let
- with-let-destroy
- with-let-values
- Wrapper