Python and Neo4j performance

I have been playing aroung with Neo4j v1.6 in the embedded mode with Python. The Neo4j library for python uses JPype. I was quite unhappy with the the raw speed. So I decided to decided to test the following code in Python, or more specifically CPython.

import csv, sys, datetime
from neo4j import GraphDatabase

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start =
    db = GraphDatabase("test")
    reader = csv.reader(open(sys.argv[1]))
    header =

    with db.transaction:
        for row in reader:
            # do something with row
            node = db.node(**dict(zip(header, row)))

    print "Closing....."

    end =
    print "Time taken: %s" % (end - start, )

The code is pretty basic. It takes a csv file with headers and creates nodes out of that data. On a sample file, this code took ~415 seconds to run.

I could have used the batch insertion API provided by Michael Hunger here. But it’s not appropriate if you are manipulating the data from the csv file.

Then I rewrote the code to make use of the native Neo4j library through Jython. Anecdotally I’ve heard that Jython is slower than CPython but I wanted to test it for this particular program. I had allocated the same Java max heap size for both the programs.

import sys, datetime, csv
from org.neo4j.kernel import EmbeddedGraphDatabase

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start =
    db = EmbeddedGraphDatabase("test-jy")

    reader = csv.reader(open(sys.argv[1]))
    header =

    tx = db.beginTx()

        for row in reader:
            # do something with row.
            node = db.createNode()
            for k, v in zip(header, row):
                node.setProperty(k, v)


    print "Closing....."

    end =
    print "Time taken: %s" % (end - start, )

On the same sample file as before, this took ~130 seconds to run. I got a over 3x performance improvement by shifting to jython. That’s a major speed improvement!

So I decided to use jython for the component which does the bulk data import and cpython in other places.

Your mileage may vary.